Edith Cavell
Academy & Nursery
Duckett Close, Norwich NR1 2LR - 01603 621927 - office@edithcavellacademy.co.uk
Rainbow Class - a specialist class within our mainstream setting
Edith Cavell Academy and Nursery is excited to have opened its Rainbow Class in September 2021. This class offers additional specialist provision for some of our learners catering for up to 8 children with complex needs. A specially qualified instructor and two teaching assistants lead this provision, supported by the SENCO. The children follow a curriculum that is tailored to their individual learning and emotional needs which includes outdoor learning and a sensory diet. The team works closely with our in-house SLCN therapist, Occupational Therapist and Educational Psychologist. These professionals review the provision and the children's targets regularly.
Our Approach
Rainbow Class focuses on developing children’s speech, language and communication by embedding it into every day practice as well as using targeted interventions to develop joint attention, sentence structure and collaborative talk. Sensory and physical development is promoted through daily sensory circuits and a focus on fine and gross motor activities. Our children also attend weekly swimming lessons.
We use a range of visual resources that support a rigid structure which helps children to follow our daily routines with ease. In the mornings, we complete targeted speech and language interventions, phonics, colourful semantics and number skills. In the afternoons, we support the development of Life Skills such as personal safety and personal care. Enriching experiences are an important aspect of the Rainbow Class curriculum; these offer opportunities for the children to expand their understanding of the world as well as their ability to function successfully outside of the school environment.
The pupils in our Rainbow Class benefit from:
A high ratio of adult support
A bespoke curriculum which addresses pupils’ specific needs
Being able to continue to engage with their mainstream class and learn with their peers
Specialist strategies including Intensive Interaction, Attention Autism, Lego Therapy, Colourful Semantics, Social Stories and Sensory Circuits.
Regular assessment using an Assess, Plan, Do, Review model. Children also benefit from the regular support of specialised professionals including Speech and Language Therapists, Occupational Therapists and Educational Psychologists.
Our approach nurtures and develops the whole child. The classroom offers a happy and inspiring environment where we aim to provide the skills that children need to be successful in all areas of their lives.