Edith Cavell
Academy & Nursery
Duckett Close, Norwich NR1 2LR - 01603 621927 - office@edithcavellacademy.co.uk
Hedgehog Nursery
Our Hedgehog Nursery offers 16 sessional places and your child can begin the term after their third birthday.
We have 15 and 30 hour places available:
Our 15 hour session times are 8:40-11:40
Our 30 hour session times are 8:40-15:10
We know that choosing your child’s nursery is a big decision for parents which is why we’re always happy to welcome visitors.
Our nurturing and inclusive environment and skilled staff look at the ‘whole child’ across all areas of development.

Central to all we do at Edith Cavell Academy is our philosophy of ‘happy children achieve’ and this begins in our Hedgehog Nursery. Here our children play and learn together making the most of our wonderful forest school setting. Our focus for our youngest learners is a curriculum that supports a rich development of language to best prepare them for starting ‘big school.’
Our curriculum is carefully structured around stories to inspire and excite children to learn. The Forest School provision enables so many opportunities to develop confidence, self esteem and helps build children’s emotional growth and independence.
If you would like more information please call the office 01603 621927 or email office@edithcavellacademy.co.uk
Often we have a waiting list so please contact us to express your interest and put your child’s name down.