Edith Cavell
Academy & Nursery
Duckett Close, Norwich NR1 2LR - 01603 621927 - office@edithcavellacademy.co.uk
School Lunches
Our school lunches are freshly prepared on site by the Aspens catering team. We offer a range of hot lunches, baked potatoes and packed lunches.
Lunchtime is a social occasion and children sit in groups of mixed age children across their phase.

Lunch Payments
Lunches must be paid for in advance at the school office. Please keep your account in credit so that your child is able to order a school lunch at morning registration.
Free School Meals
Under the Government’s universal free school meal scheme children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are provided with a free hot meal or packed lunch at lunchtime and we encourage all children in these year groups to eat a school lunch.
In certain circumstances children in other year groups are also eligible for free school meals; please check your eligibility with the Local Authority using the following link.
Lunch Menus
Aspens offer a three week menu rotation- a sample of which can be viewed below